Saturday, June 11, 2011

Tribute to Fathers

I figured I'd get a week's head start on Father's Day. But this time, I want your help. What has your father meant to you? Either post a comment at the end of this post or put it on Facebook and I'll add it to the list. This list will grow during the week. I hope to get 500 things we like about our fathers, or things we're grateful for.

Nathan Child
- I'm grateful for the only time my dad smacked me. I was about 14, too cool for school, and very disrespectful to my mother. He put an end to that and I've done my best to never disrespect my mother or any other woman again
- I'm grateful for the example my dad taught me of how to work hard
- I'm grateful for the home my parents raised me in, where we were taught to love and know our Savior
- I'm grateful for sense of humor my father possesses
- I'm grateful for the years of studying the life of the Savior and His prophets. I can ask him anything and he knows exactly where the answer is
- I like how my dad over-plans everything. It was annoying when I was immature, but now it's endearing as I know almost nothing is missed when he plans things
- I'm grateful that the first movie he ever took me to was Star Wars. E.T was the 2nd. He did much better on my first movie
- I'm grateful that he taught our family the love of Rook. He still thinks he's better than me
- I'm grateful that my father is the world's worst fisherman (self-proclaimed). Makes my fishing exploits look even more impressive
- I'm grateful my father didn't disown me when I broke his nose. He was so mad that he walked home a mile and a half though
- I'm grateful that he taught me how to work on cars
- I'm grateful that he put in a basketball backboard in our driveway when we were kids
- I'm grateful that he wouldn't let me play football in high school, but ONLY because I ended up playing volleyball instead
- I'm grateful that he loves family history
- I'm grateful that didn't name me John Child (his name), only because there are too many John Child's in our family tree
- I'm grateful that he built me a bike when I was about 13. I didn't like it at all until my friends were jealous of my custom bike, then it was really cool
- I'm grateful that my dad picked my mom. She's pretty cool
- I'm grateful for the memory of the 2 Shih Tzu dogs we had. I think he got more excited than the dogs did when he played with them
- I'm grateful that my father brought us to Utah every summer
- I'm grateful for my father's hard work that always put food on the table
- I'm thankful for the random stockings we always got at Christmas. They usually had random things like shoe laces in them
- I'm grateful for their visit last week
- I'm grateful for...

Please give me some things about your dad that you're thankful for.

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