Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Beautiful Transformation - One husband's view of his wife's journey from fiance to wife to mother

When I met my wife, I thought she was hot. I really wanted to ask her out. So I did! And simply said, the rest is history. What's really cool though is how she's changed over the last 3 1/2 years from the first time I met her to now - with one child and one on the way.

I make no apologies for my manlike tendencies to notice the physical traits first. That's how my Father in Heaven made me. The next thing I noticed was her sense of humor and sarcasm. Her wit is sharp and unending. Her sense of humor is amazing. So I kept asking her out. As we had our ups and downs of dating - and we had some serious downs - I also began to appreciate her spirituality, the relationships she had with her family and her surprising interest in continuing to see me. So I kept pursuing.

While dating, we took a trip to Las Vegas together and that whole weekend I never got tired of seeing her. In fact, I couldn't get enough. So on the drive back to Salt Lake City, I told her I wanted to marry her. 45 miles later, she realized I was serious. She had already become my best friend, and that was enough for me to want to marry her.

When we did get married in January 2012, I had hopes that she would be a great mother and wife, just as I had hopes to be a great husband and father. But just like anyone, I didn't really know what was coming. I knew she was sweet, good with kids (she's a special ed teacher, after all) and I liked the way she kept her apartment, so I had expectations of behaviors one might expect in a good wife.

However, as we did marry and started our life together, I wasn't really ready for how awesome a wife she would become. For example, I had known too many men whose wives would prohibit them from playing sports. My wife is kicking me out of the house to go play volleyball. Further, she made an informal proposition that she'll do the kitchen cleaning every time I choose to cook. Who can argue with that? She started doing my laundry, started organizing the house, added a feminine touch to the decor and did many of the stereotype things you might expect from a wife.

But she did more than that. The level of maturity that she brought to discussions that helped avoid fights and arguments was refreshing. She was always first to insist that we pray together and read scriptures together. She often prayed (and still prays) that she can be a better wife. This confused me because I thought she was imperfectly perfect. I loved the wife she was and while I respected the desire to improve, I was content with who she was because I didn't really have expectations of who she should be. The transformation from fiance to wife was quite smooth. Then, she got pregnant.

This change, from wife to mother, is the beautiful transformation I am referring to. Before Zachary was born, we had a great marriage. But as with the marriage, I didn't really know what kind of mother she would be. I had hopes. I had an idea, but I really didn't know.

Lisa, you're an absolutely amazing mother. What most of you may not know about Lisa is that she's not very selfish. She never was. What selfishness she had was obliterated the moment Zachary was born. While pregnant, she had many many moments of fear and doubt, wondering if she could "do it" (being a mother), worrying if she would love her baby enough, worrying about things that a guy would never get so I won't try to list them. But since Zachary first came in to this world, the transformation from worried not-yet-a-mother Lisa to the beautiful mother you are now is nothing short of amazing. I thought we had it so good before he was born, but it's exponentially better since we've had him.

Lisa, as you've transformed from fiance to wife to mother, you've been nothing short of extraordinary. The best part for me is that I had no idea how amazing you were. I thought I did, but I was blind. Thanks for an amazing two years of marriage. Here's to 2 more, then 2 more, then 2 more and so on. I love you, baby. :) And the best part of it all? The beautiful transformation never really happened. You were an amazing mother all along. I just didn't know.